
Virgilio Piñera

“You see things; you say, ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say 'Why not?” George Bernard Shaw

la ancianidad. confesiones.

The Three Graces-Cuaderno de la herborista de Margarita García Alonso

For sale: The beauty slay , by Margarita García Alonso -Your Christmas

“Young Woman in Historical Costume” (detail) by Ignace Spiridon (1860-1900).

Yves Klein - ‘Le Globe est Blue’ - 1961

Estatuas frente al muro, de Carmen Karin Aldrey

The ENCHANTER, Richmond , VA, c.1876 Watson and McGills Tobacco Co

1510-1512 Lucas Cranach the Elder - Virgin and Child with the Saints Catherine and Barbara

Greuze , Jean-Baptiste ( 1725 Tournus - 1805 Paris).