Elon Musk: You really need to coax negative feedback.
“It's very important to actively seek out and listen very carefully to negative feedback. This is something that people tend to avoid because it's painful.
When friends get a product, I say, don't tell me what you like, tell me what you don't like. Because otherwise, your friend is not going to tell you what he doesn't like.
He's going to say, oh, I love this and that, and then leave out the this-is-the-stuff-I-don't-like list, because he wants to be your friend, he doesn't want to offend you. So, you really need to coax negative feedback.
You know that if somebody is your friend, or at least not your enemy, and they're giving you negative feedback, they may be wrong, but it's coming from a good place.
And sometimes, even your enemies give you good negative feedback.”
Interview with Kevin Rose, September 8, 2012
Elon Musk: Realmente necesitas conseguir comentarios negativos.
“Es muy importante buscar activamente y escuchar con mucha atención los comentarios negativos. Esto es algo que la gente tiende a evitar porque es doloroso.
Cuando mis amigos reciben un producto, les digo, no me digas lo que te gusta, dime lo que no te gusta. Porque sino tu amigo no te va a decir lo que no le gusta.
Él va a decir, oh, me encanta esto y aquello, y luego dejará de lado la lista de "esto es lo que no me gusta", porque quiere ser tu amigo, no quiere ofenderte. tú. Por lo tanto, realmente necesitas conseguir comentarios negativos.
Sabes que si alguien es tu amigo, o al menos no tu enemigo, y te da comentarios negativos, puede que esté equivocado, pero viene de un buen lugar.
Y a veces, incluso tus enemigos te dan buenos comentarios negativos”.
Entrevista con Kevin Rose, 8 de septiembre de 2012