Ahh yes.. when your sexuality is your entire identity.


Art has no sex, stop the privileges, the rainbow agenda, and the exclusion of straight artists. They have gone so far - scholarships, awards, exhibitions only for homosexuals, who can be considered abusers, exterminators of creation, only the homo attitude is valid, to the detriment of the human species, disgusting.

Ahh sí.. cuando tu sexualidad es toda tu identidad.

El arte no tiene sexo, basta de privilegios, la agenda arcoíris y la exclusión de los artistas heterosexuales. Han llegado hasta aquí: becas, premios, exposiciones sólo para homosexuales, que pueden ser considerados abusadores, exterminadores de la creación, sólo es válida la actitud homo, en detrimento de la especie humana, repugnante.

Celebrate #Pride with The Met all year long.🌈

Introducing Watson Library's latest resource: an Index of LGBTQIA+ Artists!

This index currently includes 394 artists that appear in our online catalog and will expand as we identify more artists in our holdings and grow our collection.

Learn more: met.org/3RLWeei

📚 Title page of Christopher Reed’s "Art and Homosexuality: A History of Ideas" (New York: Oxford University Press, 2011) features a panel from the NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt. 
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