Pallywood cinematography is bad.

Pallywood cinematography is bad. The script of children made up and dying for Hamas' propaganda purposes must end as soon as possible.

They are now showing their true colours to the world. They don't care what they did to Israel; they just cry on national television about what Israel did AFTER THEY "HAMAS" "PALESTINES"-KILLED RAPE WOMEN, BEHEADED BABIES AND TOOK HOSTAGES AND MURDERED 1400 ON OCT 7TH!!!!

La cinematografía de Pallywood es mala. El guión de niños inventados y muriendo con fines propagandísticos de Hamás debe terminar lo antes posible.

Eitan Katz - B’Shem Hashem Live

Rajel, una de nuestras madres, orando por el pueblo de Israel desde arriba. Hoy es el 11o día de Heshvan, el día de su alabanza, encendamos una vela en memoria de ella y recemos para que ella pida a Hashem que nos ayude y que salve al Pueblo de Israel 🙏🏻🙌🏻


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