huyen del comunismo

 Es normal que escapen de la miseria y la represiôn, lo feo es que Biden y su gobierno demôcrata ayudan a las dictaduras, fomentan a gobiernos represivos en A. Latina Y recibe a los dirigentes con pompa, crea y financia falsos disidentes y busca el CAOS total, desintegrar USA.

Strange that there is almost no legacy media coverage of this. About 2 million people – from every country on Earth – are entering through the US southern border every year. The number is rising rapidly, yet no preventive action is taken by the current administration.

It’s a total free for all in Eagle Pass right now. Mass illegal crossing taking place for over an hour and a half. Almost 2 years to the day we saw 15,000+ Haitians under the bridge in Del Rio, we now have thousands of predominantly Venezuelans gathering under Eagle Pass bridge.

Es el plan de la administración democrática, apoya las dictaduras de Cuba, Venezuela, los regímenes comunistas en América Latina, recibe a sus gobernantes y crea caos interno. Muchos cubanos cruzan la selva para ingresar a Estados Unidos.

It is the plan of the democratic administration, it supports the dictatorships of Cuba, Venezuela, the communist regimes in Latin America, it receives its rulers, and creates internal chaos. Many Cubans cross the jungle to enter the United States, everything disintegrates, the family, regulated exile, to foment internal problems, while helping murderous governments.


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