tiempo de agradecer

 "Jamás desesperes, aún estando en las más sombrías aflicciones, pues de las nubes negras cae agua limpia y fecundante" Miguel de Unamuno

British painter Edward Reginald Frampton (1870-1923) was known for working in the Pre-Raphaelite style. Mr. Frampton was specialized in murals, specifically war memorials at churches. Mr. Frampton considered himself to have been influenced both by primitive Italian painting and the British Pre-Raphaelite design and also by the compositions of Pierre Puvis de Chavannes. He painted in a flat, stately style and was influenced by French Symbolism. He also worked in stained glass, most probably learning from his father, Edward Frampton, who was a stained-glass artist. His work usually depicted symbolic subjects and landscapes; early in his career he made sculpture.


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