eunes Filles de Fouesnant Revenant du Marché

Jeunes Filles de Fouesnant Revenant du Marché by William Adolphe Bouguereau (1805-1925)
oil on canvas, 1869

Tangier extends in several dimensions. You keep finding places you never saw before. There is no line between “real world” and “world of myth and symbol”. Objects, sensations, hit with the impact of hallucination.
—  The Ginsberg Note, Interzone.
William S. Burroughs.

Del gr. ἐπιφαινόμενον epiphainómenon 'lo que aparece a continuación'.
1. m. Psicol. Fenómeno accesorio que acompaña al fenómeno principal y que no tiene influencia sobre él.


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