Tuesday December 17th, 2013 6pm-9pm – OPEN STUDIO LAURA PEREZ GARCIA
a new york based non-profit arts organization
Tuesday December 17th, 2013 6pm-9pm – Join us for OPEN STUDIOS: Arnaud Jammet and Laura Perez Garcia, Criss-cross Views Residency Partnership, The City of Le Havre, France
This year we welcomed Arnaud Jammet and Laura Perez Garcia who have been working on our studios Since October 1st, 2013. This open studio will highlight their work and our partnership – come see!
Laura Perez Garcia
Arnaud Jammet
Olivia Vergnolle, a researcher in biochemistry and Arnaud Jammet,
artist in résidence at Triangle association, began meeting once a week,
three months ago. During an open studio evening, preliminary results of
those encounters will be displayed via video.
Arnaud Jammet’s original studio is located between Le Havre and
Paris. In his previous work he has studied various situations and ideas
through the construction of very diverse techniques ranging from
computer to hand held constructions. He has often worked in
collaboration with choreographers, artists or architects. This unique
project is his first attempt at artistically interpreting the scientific
This partnership is made possible by support of the city of Le Havre, France.